Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Some family news

Dear friends,

The course of life is a strange and unpredictable thing! Who would have thought that a family as settled and as happy as we are -- here on such a beautiful island, living a short drive from the beach, enjoying such an excellent school, with such rich friendships, and a deep sense of home and connectedness -- would now choose to step out in an entirely new direction? 
We certainly didn’t anticipate this, didn’t look for it, and (at the very thought of leaving all that we love) found ourselves countless times over the past months saying to ourselves, “We’re absolutely crazy!” Why give up all this? Why, with all the wonderful things that have happened at Immanuel over the years, would we leave the best job and the best school we've ever known?

Sometimes the right thing to do doesn’t appear at the outset to be rational.

Over a year ago, I received an invitation from a family of schools overseas to consider applying for a head of school position. I remember thinking, "That's kind of a neat idea, but it wouldn't make sense for us."

Then, three or four times over the course of last year, I kept meeting people in my broader network of Christian schools who had been to the school and who brought it up in conversation, speaking very highly of it. 

In January, I was speaking with a friend who had worked in a related organization there, and he told me that they were interested in connecting with me about a new opening. Would I be open to talking to them? I politely declined. Afterwards, Nat asked, "How do you know that we shouldn't go there, if you're not willing to talk about it and to pray about it?" She was right, so we began talking and praying. 

After much research, countless conversations, and a lot of prayer, we received an invitation from the school to go and visit them. We could think of no good reasons not to go, and it was an exciting thing to go adventuring in a new corner of the world, so we agreed. 

The short story is that we loved the people and found ourselves drawn to what they are trying to do. They seek to offer a Christian education much like Immanuel's, but they need help. They have a hard time getting leaders and teachers to come join them. It is a school that shows very well, that looks from pictures like it's got everything all together. However, they have some complicating issues that could threaten their ability to survive if they're not addressed fairly soon. 

At some point recently, we realized that our only reasons for not going are selfish: staying close to the people we love and the place we love. But we are now confident in the greater good of knowing that we are obeying the Lord's clear leading, which has been confirmed in many ways over these months. At the time of retirement and at the end of our lives, looking back, we so much want to be able to say, "We were willing... we were listening... we have no regrets... our lives were surrendered to God's leading, and we didn't live for our own interests." 

This week, we received a formal offer to join the school, and we have decided to accept. We will be moving to Indonesia in mid-July. There's an incredible amount of change coming our way, and we approach it with very mixed feelings -- with real sadness, and also with happiness to be embarking on what we believe we should do. It is a step of faith, and we are reminded of the disciples who left their comforts to follow Jesus. We are reminded of the hymn verse, "In simple trust, like theirs who heard beside the Syrian sea / The gracious calling of the LORD, let us, like them, without a word, rise up and follow Thee."

Much of our concern has been for Immanuel... "What would happen to our beloved school if we were to leave?" My board has been very gracious and encouraging in this, and together we approach the coming transition with real faith that God will provide an excellent person in good time. 

There is so much more that could be said. But for now, we'll sign off and ask for your prayers for us over the coming months! 

Matt and Nat